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Curriculum Vitae



Since 2015

Associate Researcher in the Institut Français du Proche-Orient (IFPO, Beirut)

Research on the poetry jousting zajal in Lebanon.


Since 2009

Researcher, member of the CREM (LESC, UMR 7186), CNRS, Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense, France

Research in anthropology and ethnomusicology upon music, oral litterature and society in Yemen, Lebanon and in several other Arab countries. Studies on the performance context, the ritual practices, the mythical representations, the musical systems, the relations between language and music, as well as the formation of contemporary identities.



Director of the Center for Rechearch in EthnoMusicology (CREM-LESC, UMR 7186), CNRS, Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense

The team was composed of 15 senior researchers, professors and engineers, as well as 15 doctorate candidates. Research is conducted on music all over the world, particularly the orally transmitted one. Scientific publications, audio-visual and multimedia productions, web site, sound archives.



Director of the French Center for Archeology and Social Sciences (CEFAS, CNRS, MAE), Sanaa, Yemen

Conducting and publishing research on Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula :


1991 to 2003 :

Curator in the Mankind Museum (Musée de l'Homme), Paris, Arab Region Departement.

Conservation of ethnographic collections.



Member in the research team 9957, CNRS (ethnomusicology), Musée de l'Homme (Mankind Museum), Paris.

Many field work missions on music in Yemen, Lebanon and other Arab countries.


Since 1991

Assistant professor, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle



- Books :

1997 La médecine de l'âme. Le chant de Sanaa dans la société yéménite., Nanterre, Société d'ethnologie (320 p, photos, gloss., index, 1 CD).

2002 [Arabic Translation] :

طب النفوس. فن الغناء الصنعاني في المجتمع اليمني، 2002، صنعاء، وزارة الثقافة.

2000 Les musiques du monde arabe et du monde musulman. Bibliographie et discographie. Paris, Geuthner (En collaboration avec Christian POCHÉ et alq.). 404 p, index.

2002 (avec Hervé Champollion) Yémen. Arabia Felix, Paris, Hermé-La Martinière, 201 pages, 150 photos.

2008 La société civile au Yémen : associations et pouvoir local, sous la direction de Jean LAMBERT, Sara BEN NEFISSA et Maggy GRABUNDZIJA, Sanaa, CEFAS, Friedrich Ebert Stifftung (un volume français-anglais, 335 p ; un volume arabe : Al-mujtama ‘ al-madanî. Al-jam‘iyyât wa-l-idârât al-mahalliyya, 370 p)

2013 Le luth monoxyle et la musique yéménite, Sanaa, sous la dir. de Jean Lambert et Samir Mokrani, Sanaa, Centre Français d’Archéologie et de Sciences Sociales, Paris, Geuthner.

2015  Congrès de Musique Arabe du Caire. The Cairo Congress of Arab Music. Mu'tamar al-mûsîqâ al-'arabiyya fî al-Qâhira, 1932. Coffret de 18 CD [Intégrale des enregistrements], livret trilingue français, anglais, arabe, 250 p.. Paris, Bnf ; Abu Dhabi, TCA (texte : Bernard Moussali ; édition : Jean Lambert et Pascal Cordereix)


- More than forty scientific articles


- More than thirty CDs of traditional music from Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt, Irak, North Africa





Since 1997

Assistant professor, University Paris X-Nanterre.

- One annual course on Arabic Music for masters students (since 1997).

- Supervising and directing masters and doctoral researches (currently, five PhD candidates).



Visiting professor, Kaslik University (USEK), Lebanon






Abu Dhabi Emirate intangible heritage inventory

- Advising and training the inventory team of the culture intangible heritage, ADACH, Abu Dhabi Emirate. Three missions.



UNESCO consultant (Yemen, Arab Gulf)

- Mission in Sharjah (October 1999) : redaction of a report on the inventory and preservation of the intangible heritage in the United Arab Emirates.

- Preparation of the candidature of Sanaa Song (Yemen) to the International List of the Oral and Intangible Heritage (2000-2003) :

- Scientific supervision of the international Project of Preservation of the Sanaa Song (Yemen) (2007-2009)

- Redaction on a report : "The Oral and Intangible Heritage of Yemen : Situation and Perspectives" (2015). UNESCO, Doha Regional Office.


Since 1998

Advisor for traditional music, Ministry of Culture, Yemen

Technical support to the Yemeni Center for Musical Inheritage.



Artistitic advisor, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris

Organizing two music and dance festivals, one on Yemen and one on Lebanon music.





1981: Masters in Arabic Language and Civilization, Sorbonne-Paris III (dir. : Daniel Cohen)

1984: Masters in Anthropology, EHESS, Paris (dir. : Gilbert Grandguillaume)

1990: PhD in Anthropology (nouveau régime), EHESS, Paris (dir. : Gilbert Grandguillaume)

1999: Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Anthropology (Nanterre Paris X-University) (dir. : Bernard Lortat-Jacob).





French, English, Arabic : fluent

Italian : read and spoken

German : read





Excel, FileMaker Pro, Winisis, Telemeta, Audacity. Avidemux, PhotoShop, Musescore, Wix, Avidemux

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